My Notebooks
My “ongoing” notebooks. (Oh, I have more that aren’t in this photo.)
I have a confession. I LOVE NOTEBOOKS. I love books, letters, cards…but It seems like I can’t own enough of notebooks. I have so many ongoing notebooks sitting in my house. I even have notebooks that aren’t touched and it’s a bit ridiculous. I know. I just can’t pass when I see nice, pretty notebooks at the stores.
The notebooks I’m trying to stick with in 2023.
There are 4 types of notebooks that I have.
Writing Journal/Planner
Sketch Book 1 (Doodle/Idea)
Sketch Book 2 (Pattern Design)
Visual Journal (Art Journal)
When I want to write something down, I pick up my writing journal. When I want to draw casually (doodle), I use my Sketch book #1. I still have a habit of using a piece of paper for doodling, but I’m trying to use my sketch book this year. The sketch book #2 is for the pattern designs. My visual journal is little bit of everything in one. (Writing/Doodle/Sketch/Collage)
I have a few big size sketchbooks but I like small size (A5 is my golden size) because it’s easy for me to carry around.
Notebook #1 : Writing Journal/Planner
Good friend of mine sent this year planner last Christmas. The notebook was made by local paper crafter in Japan. I use it as my planner and as a notepad that i can write down anything at times.
Notebook #2 : Doodle pad
This is the notebook that I sketch out whatever comes up in my mind. The tiny notebook is perfect for carrying around. This notebook was a gift from my artist pal.
Notebook #3 : Sketch Book (Pattern Book)
This is the sketchbook for my pattern designs. My goal is fill this book with my designs by end of 2023! Let’s see how far I can go.
Notebook #4 : Art journal
This is my fun, junky journal book. My visual journal is a tool for brainstorming and also art therapy.
Wanna read more about my visual journal? Check out next episode “My Visual Journal”.