My Visual Journal

My visual journal

My visual journal is little bit of everything in one. (Writing/Doodle/Sketch/Collage) I try to stick with my art style while I write, draw and collage… But I am letting myself draw more freely. My visual journal is sort of an idea book because I actually ended up using a few designs from it for my actual paintings in the past. My visual journal is extension of my brain. It’s a perfect tool for doing practice/brainstorming and great way to enjoy the creative process.

My “junky” notebook.

I’m using my old diary as my visual journal. It was too pretty to throw away so I painted all the pages and started using it as a visual journal. Using an old notebook was actually perfect for me because I  could start drawing/painting on it without having any pressure. (I always afraid of “ruining” good notebooks!)

I’d like to share how I repurposed my old diary notebook.

Background #1 : Paint

At first, I started glueing two pages together to create thick & durable page that I can use paint and markers. Then I painted over my old embarrassing diary.

Background #2 : Using old newspaper

I also use old newspaper for the background. This is one of my favorite methods as a background prep. It gives nice vintage touch and also fun junky feeling. I tear off the paper then use acrylic medium to paste the paper to the page. Then I lightly paint over them with acrylic paint. You can also use thin paper like tissue paper.

Background #3 : Stamps

Another fun background idea is using stamps. Last year, I bought a gel printing plate from Gelli Arts and I’m absolutely loving it. It was a game changer. It’s a great tool for those who love stamp art, collage art.

I hope you enjoyed this episode. Thank you for reading :)


My Notebooks